What people are saying...

"Laurie is an extraordinary human being who has helped me deepen my spirituality and in doing so, has helped me transform my life. She is such a bright ray of sunshine and wisdom and I’m so thankful that our paths have crossed!" ~ Cassandra
"I am forever grateful for the journey I've had with Laurie. Her ability to guide, inspire, and gently offer honest yet kind feedback has facilitated my self awareness and transformation. The self love and acceptance I've gained with Laurie is indescribable. She's helped me rediscover who I really am, who we all are, love. I am both more centered and open day to day. I hold on to fewer expectations and wishes, and have instead nurtured a sense of gratitude for what IS in the present moment and my circumstances. As my journey continues, I will always hold a very special place in my heart for the collaborative lessons I've learned with Laurie." ~ Ashley
"Dear Laurie... Just reading my book from you. And reflecting on how you and I have come to be. How I feel I have the most perfect trusting friend & mentor. And just knowing that you have experienced dark days yourself and where you are with your journey today; astounds me. You always keep me at such peace. As I think of you such a deep warmth overcomes me. I pray for a day that I may mentor others in some way as you have me. Perhaps at a different level (LOL). Sitting by the fire having a tea... loving this time."
~ Alicia
"Dear Laurie... Words cannot express my gratitude, for you are the only blessed soul in my life whom:
~ Listens without judgement
~ Speaks without prejudice
~ Helps without entitlement
~ Understands without pretension
~ And Loves without conditions
With your guidance I am learning we are all "one", equal in all ways. Thank you for your Sacred Teachings, for guiding me "home" within myself, to discover only truth and the Beautiful Soul that I've forgotten I AM. With Abundant Gratitude, ~ Tina"
"Dear Laurie... To think how fleeting and almost accidental our meeting was back in January to where we are now, we both know that it was all meant to happen…lol. Having you come into my life when I was seeking a spiritual mentor only solidifies that the Universe/God/Holy Spirit truly is looking out for each and every one of us. Whenever I have felt a little lost or frustrated with anything, your gentleness and intuitive guidance by providing me a message from ACIM, an article you came across or simply your words always eased me back on my spiritual path gracefully and better equipped. I feel truly blessed to call you my friend and spiritual mentor. ~ E. Ihrig"
"I can’t think of Laurie without imagining her smile. Her genuine warmth, faith and empathy combine to make a rare quality in humanity; Laurie is truly non-judgemental. She cares what happens to people and she works very hard to be the best spiritual guide she can be. It is impossible to be in her company and not feel great."
~ Shelly Logan, OCT, NZCT
"Dear Laurie... I woke up early this morning with thoughts of you on my mind. I have been ruminating all week about this incredible journey that I have been on and how much of an integral part you had in that. I have told you before dear friend that words cannot even begin to express how much our time and your gentle spirit has meant to me. Me, a crafter of words, a writer, has been struggling all week to put down thoughts that even remotely come close to describing how I feel. The struggle has stopped this morning. I finally feel alive - and finally feel like I can move through my life with my higher purpose at the forefront of my mind. It is no secret to you that I feel that my relationship with God and my faith is very important to me - and this experience has done nothing but draw me closer to Him. Your gentle nudging and coaxing have allowed me to rest easy in the shadow of God's wing where healing and transformation has taken root in my life. But I am ready now - to fly free and move with the easy grace and mercies that God has bestowed on me through you. I can now always rest easy that I am able to return to the safety of that shadow and that God will always accept me in that place of healing. That thought alone, the thought of resting in God, is a huge step forward for me, that along with recognizing that I am who I was created to be and that, that is sufficient."
~ Tonya Salomons - http://stonetoheart.blogspot.ca/
"For many years I have been seeking what would truly make me happy in my life and thanks to Laurie I finally realized, that by just letting go and trusting the Universe to take over, things started to show up in my life that I had been a long time praying for.
Spiritually I had lost touch and that was a key that was missing. In Laurie’s wisdom and subtle way of leading I was able to get back on track and everyday miracles are now showing up in my life. They were likely there all along but now I am just more aware. I am now passionately involved in a career that not only gives me great satisfaction but I also know that I am enriching the lives of many others. Thank you Laurie…your mantra “Let go…Trust the process…Follow your Heart” will always be one I live
by." ~ Judy McNeill
"By asking questions and listening to me, Laurie expertly and gently helped me find my way to a solution I was unable to find on my own. It was a revelation and it relieved my stress about the situation. I went from not having any idea of what to do, to knowing what I needed to do to make things better." ~ Lisa B.
"Laurie is someone I instantly felt very relaxed and comfortable with. Her gentle voice speaks right to me with clarity and focus, and lets me know that she cares very deeply about what we are talking about. I am always looking forward to sharing more time together. She was an incredible help to me, and her efforts far surpassed what I was hoping for. Her assessment of my specific needs, and suggestions for achieving my highest goals, were incredibly helpful, and right on target. Thank you, Laurie, for inspiring me to bring out the best in myself. Your guidance has been invaluable! ~ Lisa Bennett
"Laurie is one of the warmest and most compassionate people I know. I hired her as my coach a few months ago to help me move forward with my relationship goals and self-esteem. I loved the idea that coaching was all about looking forward, rather than looking back on the past. After working with Laurie for three months, I feel that I have more confidence and a much better outlook on my future."
~ Lisa M.
"Laurie is a person who is truly practicing what she coaches. She lives a purposeful life and enthusiastically encourages others to embark on their own journey in life."
~ Carole McInnes, MSW, RSW
"Laurie's warm voice is caring and clear. Her presence on the call is palpable; one easily forgets that you are not sitting in the same room. Laurie's ability to reflect back to you the nuggets of wisdom from your conversation has brilliant clarity and has often been a new way of perceiving things. The shift in my focus and ability to make the most out of my life has improved greatly in a few weeks."
~ Heather Baker, Hairstylist
"Laurie is a coaching colleague of mine, and she has helped me many times when I have been out of sorts. Her voice is soothing and compassionate, and her listening skills are outstanding. Even a coach needs to be heard sometimes, and Laurie is a master at getting the best out of you!"
~ Mike Sirignano, Colleague
"I am forever grateful for the journey I've had with Laurie. Her ability to guide, inspire, and gently offer honest yet kind feedback has facilitated my self awareness and transformation. The self love and acceptance I've gained with Laurie is indescribable. She's helped me rediscover who I really am, who we all are, love. I am both more centered and open day to day. I hold on to fewer expectations and wishes, and have instead nurtured a sense of gratitude for what IS in the present moment and my circumstances. As my journey continues, I will always hold a very special place in my heart for the collaborative lessons I've learned with Laurie." ~ Ashley
"Dear Laurie... Just reading my book from you. And reflecting on how you and I have come to be. How I feel I have the most perfect trusting friend & mentor. And just knowing that you have experienced dark days yourself and where you are with your journey today; astounds me. You always keep me at such peace. As I think of you such a deep warmth overcomes me. I pray for a day that I may mentor others in some way as you have me. Perhaps at a different level (LOL). Sitting by the fire having a tea... loving this time."
~ Alicia
"Dear Laurie... Words cannot express my gratitude, for you are the only blessed soul in my life whom:
~ Listens without judgement
~ Speaks without prejudice
~ Helps without entitlement
~ Understands without pretension
~ And Loves without conditions
With your guidance I am learning we are all "one", equal in all ways. Thank you for your Sacred Teachings, for guiding me "home" within myself, to discover only truth and the Beautiful Soul that I've forgotten I AM. With Abundant Gratitude, ~ Tina"
"Dear Laurie... To think how fleeting and almost accidental our meeting was back in January to where we are now, we both know that it was all meant to happen…lol. Having you come into my life when I was seeking a spiritual mentor only solidifies that the Universe/God/Holy Spirit truly is looking out for each and every one of us. Whenever I have felt a little lost or frustrated with anything, your gentleness and intuitive guidance by providing me a message from ACIM, an article you came across or simply your words always eased me back on my spiritual path gracefully and better equipped. I feel truly blessed to call you my friend and spiritual mentor. ~ E. Ihrig"
"I can’t think of Laurie without imagining her smile. Her genuine warmth, faith and empathy combine to make a rare quality in humanity; Laurie is truly non-judgemental. She cares what happens to people and she works very hard to be the best spiritual guide she can be. It is impossible to be in her company and not feel great."
~ Shelly Logan, OCT, NZCT
"Dear Laurie... I woke up early this morning with thoughts of you on my mind. I have been ruminating all week about this incredible journey that I have been on and how much of an integral part you had in that. I have told you before dear friend that words cannot even begin to express how much our time and your gentle spirit has meant to me. Me, a crafter of words, a writer, has been struggling all week to put down thoughts that even remotely come close to describing how I feel. The struggle has stopped this morning. I finally feel alive - and finally feel like I can move through my life with my higher purpose at the forefront of my mind. It is no secret to you that I feel that my relationship with God and my faith is very important to me - and this experience has done nothing but draw me closer to Him. Your gentle nudging and coaxing have allowed me to rest easy in the shadow of God's wing where healing and transformation has taken root in my life. But I am ready now - to fly free and move with the easy grace and mercies that God has bestowed on me through you. I can now always rest easy that I am able to return to the safety of that shadow and that God will always accept me in that place of healing. That thought alone, the thought of resting in God, is a huge step forward for me, that along with recognizing that I am who I was created to be and that, that is sufficient."
~ Tonya Salomons - http://stonetoheart.blogspot.ca/
"For many years I have been seeking what would truly make me happy in my life and thanks to Laurie I finally realized, that by just letting go and trusting the Universe to take over, things started to show up in my life that I had been a long time praying for.
Spiritually I had lost touch and that was a key that was missing. In Laurie’s wisdom and subtle way of leading I was able to get back on track and everyday miracles are now showing up in my life. They were likely there all along but now I am just more aware. I am now passionately involved in a career that not only gives me great satisfaction but I also know that I am enriching the lives of many others. Thank you Laurie…your mantra “Let go…Trust the process…Follow your Heart” will always be one I live
by." ~ Judy McNeill
"By asking questions and listening to me, Laurie expertly and gently helped me find my way to a solution I was unable to find on my own. It was a revelation and it relieved my stress about the situation. I went from not having any idea of what to do, to knowing what I needed to do to make things better." ~ Lisa B.
"Laurie is someone I instantly felt very relaxed and comfortable with. Her gentle voice speaks right to me with clarity and focus, and lets me know that she cares very deeply about what we are talking about. I am always looking forward to sharing more time together. She was an incredible help to me, and her efforts far surpassed what I was hoping for. Her assessment of my specific needs, and suggestions for achieving my highest goals, were incredibly helpful, and right on target. Thank you, Laurie, for inspiring me to bring out the best in myself. Your guidance has been invaluable! ~ Lisa Bennett
"Laurie is one of the warmest and most compassionate people I know. I hired her as my coach a few months ago to help me move forward with my relationship goals and self-esteem. I loved the idea that coaching was all about looking forward, rather than looking back on the past. After working with Laurie for three months, I feel that I have more confidence and a much better outlook on my future."
~ Lisa M.
"Laurie is a person who is truly practicing what she coaches. She lives a purposeful life and enthusiastically encourages others to embark on their own journey in life."
~ Carole McInnes, MSW, RSW
"Laurie's warm voice is caring and clear. Her presence on the call is palpable; one easily forgets that you are not sitting in the same room. Laurie's ability to reflect back to you the nuggets of wisdom from your conversation has brilliant clarity and has often been a new way of perceiving things. The shift in my focus and ability to make the most out of my life has improved greatly in a few weeks."
~ Heather Baker, Hairstylist
"Laurie is a coaching colleague of mine, and she has helped me many times when I have been out of sorts. Her voice is soothing and compassionate, and her listening skills are outstanding. Even a coach needs to be heard sometimes, and Laurie is a master at getting the best out of you!"
~ Mike Sirignano, Colleague